![[Live] CEO Morris Gershengorin Talks #RealRestorationMiami with David Goldberg 1 MIAMI RR INTERVIEW THUMBNAIL](https://realrestoration.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/MIAMI_RR_INTERVIEW_THUMBNAIL.jpg)
[Live] CEO Morris Gershengorin Talks #RealRestorationMiami with David Goldberg
Morris Gershengorin, Founder and CEO of Real Restoration Group teams up with longtime friend David Goldberg, Founder of Goldstreet Partners to discuss expansion plans, goals and strategies to diversify across the Florida Market in this exclusive interview from #SouthBeach #Miami #StayTunedForMore #RealRestorationMiami
Real Restoration Group Accelerates Growth, Announces Expansion of New Location in Miami, Florida